Clos Mirabel AteliersClos Mirabel Creative AteliersClos Mirabel AteliersLogoJurançon, South West France

Pam Houston

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Artist's Bio

Artist's Projects

Pam Houston is the author of the memoir, Deep Creek: Finding Hope In The High Country, which won the 2019 Colorado Book Award, the High Plains Book Award and the Reading The West Advocacy Award, and more recently, Air Mail: Letters of Politics Pandemics and Place, coauthored with Amy Irvine (Torrey House Press). She is also the author of Cowboys Are My Weakness, Contents May Have Shifted, and four other books of fiction and nonfiction, all published by W.W. Norton.

She lives at 9,000 feet above sea level on a 120-acre homestead near the headwaters of the Rio Grande and teaches creative writing at UC Davis and at the Institute of American Indian Arts. She is co-founder and creative director of the literary nonprofit Writing by Writers and fiction editor at the Environmental Arts Journal She raises Icelandic sheep and Irish wolfhounds and is a fierce advocate for the Earth.

Personal website

Review from the LA Times

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Pam Houston Tutor at Atelier Clos Mirabel, France.
Pam Houston in the Pyrenees Atelier Clos Mirabel, France.
Cover of Without Exception, book writen by Author Pam Houston, tutor at Atelier Clos Mirabel, France.
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