Clos Mirabel AteliersClos Mirabel Creative AteliersClos Mirabel AteliersLogoJurançon, South West France

Where to find us?

Air France flies 4 times a day from Paris CDG airport to Pau PUF airport.

To find flights and connections, we recommend to use Rome2Rio

Travellers from the USA
We suggest you research flights to Paris with Direct transfers from Paris to Pau Pyrénées Airport (PUF).
For direct flights please ensure your arrival and departure flights are to/from Charles de Gaulle Airport Paris.
If you book with Air France or KLM your luggage will be transferred automatically to your final destination.

Air Transat offers some direct connections:
- San Francisco to Toulouse airport from mid June to mid September
- Los Angeles to Bordeaux airport from mid June to mid October

Travellers from CANADA
We suggest you research flights to Paris with Direct transfers from Paris to Pau Pyrénées Airport (PUF).
For direct flights please ensure your arrival and departure flights are to/from Charles de Gaulle Airport Paris.
If you book with Air France or KLM your luggage will be transferred automatically to your final destination.
Air France

Air Canada offers a daily flight from Toronto and Montreal to Toulouse airport. From there it is possible to rent a car and drive to Clos Mirabel (2h drive) or to take the train (2h) and then a transfer from Pau train station to Clos Mirabel (15 min drive)
Air Transat offers seasonal flight from Toronto and Montreal to Toulouse airport.
Weekly direct connections:
- Vancouver to Toulouse or Bordeaux airport from mid June to mid September
- Calgary to Toulouse Bordeaux airport from mid June to mid October

Travellers from UK
For travellers from London area:
London-Stansted Lourdes/Tarbes, with Ryanair
London-Gatwick to Biarritz, with Easyjet from April to October
London-Heathrow to Paris-CDG to Pau with Air France

Eastern and Northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh to Bordeaux with Ryanair
Edinburgh to Biarritz with Ryanair from April to October
Birmingham, Bristol, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle to Bordeaux or Toulouse with Easyjet

Travellers from other European destinations
Milan, Rome, Berlin, Dublin and Brussels to Lourdes/Tarbes with Ryanair
Amsterdam, Basel, Geneva to Biarritz with Easyjet
San Sebastian, Toulouse and Bordeaux offer many other connections.

Train station
Gare de Pau – Pau Train Station
London/Paris/London by Eurostar
Paris/Pau/Paris by TGV 4,5h connection by train.
You can also book your tickets via TrainLine

Toulouse or Bordeaux to Pau is a 2h connection by train.
A night train from Paris to Pau via Lourdes or Toulouse is now in operation.

Taxi Transfers can be arranged by us upon request

Pau Airport to Clos Mirabel transfer 18km : 65€ single/20€ pp extra
Pau Train station transfer 4km: 30€ single/10€ pp extra
Clos Mirabel – Pau transfer 5km: 30€ single/10€ pp extra
Pau – Clos Mirabel transfer 5km : 30€ single/10€ pp extra
Lourdes Airport Transfer 55km :115€ single/30€ pp extra
Biarritz Airport Transfer 120km : 300€ single/25€ pp extra
Toulouse or Bordeaux Airport Transfer 200km : 575€ /25€ pp extra

If you are travelling in a small group (6px +) and you would like to book a transfer from an airport please let us know, and we can provide a quote for a minibus transport service.

Travellers By Boat
Brittany Ferries
Plymouth to Santander (Spain)
Cork to Roscoff
Portsmouth to Bilbao

NB Prices are approximate and may be subject to change.

Clos Mirabel Atelier
276, avenue des Frères Barthélémy
64110 Jurançon
Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques
S.W. France

Geographical coordinates: 43.282667 Lat, -0.412890 Long

Phone: +33 (0)679 590 491


Find us on Google Maps™: Atelier Clos Mirabel

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